Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Okay, Don't Hate Me...

So, if anyone actually still reads this blog... Well, at least looks at the page, you may notice that I haven't updated in a LONG time... Since, ya know, JULY!!!! Yes, I'm a slacker and I'm a horrible blogger, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yea, I know! So, here it is, almost the end of January 2011, and I never got through my list from 2010. So, you may ask, what are you going to do about that?? Well, I'm just going to continue this blog this year. I am currently blogging about my experiences in yoga... Yes, yoga! Which I have to do for a college class. So I will be on here a lot more in the coming months. Therefore, I will be able to blog more about my movies!!
Even though I haven't blogged on here since July, I HAVE still seen a lot of new movies: new to me, and new to everyone else. So, starting today, I will be trying to play catch-up on my movie ratings!!!

So, here's to a new year...