Okay, so last night I kicked off my Year of the Movie, not with a movie on my list (I'm bad, I know!) but with an older movie that my family loves and we have seen a million times... "On Golden Pond." This movies is a family favorite, and it is one that my family quotes all of the time in daily conversation. I absolutely love this movie, and recommend it to all. If you haven't seen it, it was made in 1981, and stars Henry Fonda, Katherine Hepburn, and Jane Fonda... It is a great movie, VERY funny yet sentimental, and the dialogue is so catchy, that you will probably find yourself quoting it on a daily basis with your family.
Alright, so one movie down, about a billion to go. I am hoping to watch one tonight, maybe one that I haven't seen that is actually on my list.
Anyway, off to call "the loons! The loons are calling! Loooooooooons, Looooooooooo..." (quote from "On Golden Pond")
The looooons the loooons!